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June 19, 2013



Awwww. That's so special about your Mema!! I love knowing that!

Brooke T

I ADORE everything about your new line and hope to see more exciting designs from you in the future! Congratulations!!


I love every single piece in this line Kaitlin! I can see so much of you in there!! Huge congratulations!!

Kaitlin Sheaffer

Thank you so much Kasia! :)


Kate Blue

collection caught my eye right away and I can't wait to get it into my hot little hands even though I don't do PL :):) just scrapbooking!

Nicole N.

I love this collection - just cant' wait to get my hands on some in my upcoming Scraptasic DT kit!


I am sooo in love with your collection!! Such a proud friend over here!!!

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