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May 24, 2012


Jenny A

Such a cute card!

Jessica DeAngelis

Love sending happy mail! &that card is great!


I love that little house flair!


This card is really lovely (and so the little house)


great summer colours on the flairs


Love the giveaway!

Melissa R.

I love the flair!! I'm such a hoarder that I only want to use them on stuff I keep (layouts and books) but I may be convinced to send one on a card to my Mom! :)


Cute cards and flairs!


Love the card, Steph, and the flair!!

Shannon Lowe

Yes indeed! I would love to be the lucky winner! :)

Linda E

Love the card and the flairs!


love the idea of sending an unexpected smile


i send 'snail mail' all of the time b/c when i receive some, it totally makes my day! spreading a bit of joy! :) *

Leslie Kiley

I would love to try your flair! I looks amazing and I love your styles so it would be great to create with them

Gayle P

The new flairs are simply adorable! Can't wait to play with them, the colors are fantastic!

Jeannie L

Cute card! I'm so loving the new flairs.

Kate Vickers

Those are so cute! Loving these!


Love the card and the cute flair :)


the smile card is very beautiful! Nice idea for a friend! I'm so loving the new flairs.

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