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February 09, 2011



These are awesome. Thank you !!!!

Kaitlin Sheaffer

Thank you & you're welcome :)

Michele H.

Kaitlin - I LOVE this idea! Thanks so much for sharing:)

Sonda T

Kaitlin, these are fabulous! It is reminding me of a story I read in Real Simple titled "The God Box." I am definitely going to be using these! THANK YOU!


This is such a wonderful idea!!! Thanks so much!

Kaitlin Sheaffer

So glad you like it! You're welcome and thank you :)

Kaitlin Sheaffer

Sonda- I was thinking about that story after I did this. I couldn't remember where I read it- but I loved it. Glad you like this :)

Kaitlin Sheaffer

Thank you Sylvia- glad you like it!


Thanks so much for the great idea and the free downloads. I'm dubious about my ability to actually do the jar thing with any consistency but who knows. I do know the strips and labels will be great for layouts though. Love 'em!

Kaitlin Sheaffer

Peg- I think that is the story of my life. I always see great ideas but never actually implement them. Always fall off course. But- like you said using them for layouts also works :) Glad you like them!


Thank you for making these available! Followed the link from Big Picture.

Kaitlin Sheaffer

Crystal- You are welcome! I hope you make good use of them. I LOVE Big Picture :)


Thanks for sharing these! I followed the link from BPC. Love this idea. Thanks again


Great idea and thank you so much! Very kind of you - and beautiful work. Great pix to demo even the cutting! ;-) Heard about this thru Wendy Smedley of Big Picture Classes - pleasure to "meet" you!

Sharon W.

What a great idea!!

Kaitlin Sheaffer

You're welcome! So glad you like them :)

Kaitlin Sheaffer

Thank you so much Lezlee! Glad you like them! Nice to 'meet' you too :)

Kaitlin Sheaffer

Thanks Sharon!


This is amazing! Would you be ok with me reposting a portion of this with links to your blog?
Thanks for considering, Malia

Elin L

Wonderful tags and strips! Thanks a lot :)

Nicole L.

Thanks so much for the wonderful download! Such an easy and simple idea...truly creative!


This is such a cute idea! Thanks for sharing and for the download - the templates you created are wonderful.


thank you a lot ! I share the link here : https://www.facebook.com/LMIlesptitscadeauxPL?ref=hl and there : http://pinterest.com/lemondedis/project-life-freebies/

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